


A CLI is provided to support building and managing an Anchor workspace. For a comprehensive list of commands and options, run anchor -h on any of the following subcommands.


    anchor <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    account    Fetch and deserialize an account using the IDL provided
    build      Builds the workspace
    cluster    Cluster commands
    deploy     Deploys each program in the workspace
    expand     Expands the macros of a program or the workspace
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    idl        Commands for interacting with interface definitions
    init       Initializes a workspace
    keys       Program keypair commands
    migrate    Runs the deploy migration script
    new        Creates a new program
    shell      Starts a node shell with an Anchor client setup according to the local config
    test       Runs integration tests against a localnetwork
    upgrade    Upgrades a single program. The configured wallet must be the upgrade authority
    verify     Verifies the on-chain bytecode matches the locally compiled artifact. Run this
               command inside a program subdirectory, i.e., in the dir containing the program's


anchor account <program-name>.<AccountTypeName> <account_pubkey>

Fetches an account with the given public key and deserializes the data to JSON using the type name provided. If this command is run from within a workspace, the workspace's IDL files will be used to get the data types. Otherwise, the path to the IDL file must be provided.

The program-name is the name of the program where the account struct resides, usually under programs/<program-name>. program-name should be provided in a case-sensitive manner exactly as the folder name, usually in kebab-case.

The AccountTypeName is the name of the account struct, usually in PascalCase.

The account_pubkey refers to the Pubkey of the account to deserialise, in Base58.

Example Usage: anchor account anchor-escrow.EscrowAccount 3PNkzWKXCsbjijbasnx55NEpJe8DFXvEEbJKdRKpDcfK, deserializes an account in the given pubkey with the account struct EscrowAccount defined in the anchor-escrow program.

anchor account <program-name>.<AccountTypeName> <account_pubkey> --idl <path/to/idl.json>

Deserializes the account with the data types provided in the given IDL file even if inside a workspace.


anchor build

Builds programs in the workspace targeting Solana's BPF runtime and emitting IDLs in the target/idl directory.

anchor build --verifiable

Runs the build inside a docker image so that the output binary is deterministic (assuming a Cargo.lock file is used). This command must be run from within a single crate subdirectory within the workspace. For example, programs/<my-program>/.


Cluster list

anchor cluster list

This lists cluster endpoints:

Cluster Endpoints:

* Mainnet -
* Devnet  -
* Testnet -


anchor deploy

Deploys all programs in the workspace to the configured cluster.


This is different from the solana program deploy command, because every time it's run it will generate a new program address.


anchor expand

If run inside a program folder, expands the macros of the program.

If run in the workspace but outside a program folder, expands the macros of the workspace.

If run with the --program-name option, expand only the given program.


The idl subcommand provides commands for interacting with interface definition files. It's recommended to use these commands to store an IDL on chain, at a deterministic address, as a function of nothing but the program's ID. This allows us to generate clients for a program using nothing but the program ID.

Idl Init

anchor idl init -f <target/idl/program.json> <program-id>

Creates an idl account, writing the given <target/idl/program.json> file into a program owned account. By default, the size of the account is double the size of the IDL, allowing room for growth in case the idl needs to be upgraded in the future.

Idl Fetch

anchor idl fetch -o <out-file.json> <program-id>

Fetches an IDL from the configured blockchain. For example, make sure your Anchor.toml is pointing to the mainnet cluster and run

anchor idl fetch GrAkKfEpTKQuVHG2Y97Y2FF4i7y7Q5AHLK94JBy7Y5yv

Idl Authority

anchor idl authority <program-id>

Outputs the IDL account's authority. This is the wallet that has the ability to update the IDL.

Idl Erase Authority

anchor idl erase-authority -p <program-id>

Erases the IDL account's authority so that upgrades can no longer occur. The configured wallet must be the current authority.

Idl Upgrade

anchor idl upgrade <program-id> -f <target/idl/program.json>

Upgrades the IDL file on chain to the new target/idl/program.json idl. The configured wallet must be the current authority.

anchor idl set-authority -n <new-authority> -p <program-id>

Sets a new authority on the IDL account. Both the new-authority and program-id must be encoded in base 58.


anchor init

Initializes a project workspace with the following structure.

  • Anchor.toml: Anchor configuration file.
  • Cargo.toml: Rust workspace configuration file.
  • package.json: JavaScript dependencies file.
  • programs/: Directory for Solana program crates.
  • app/: Directory for your application frontend.
  • tests/: Directory for JavaScript integration tests.
  • migrations/deploy.js: Deploy script.


Program keypair commands.

Keys List

anchor keys list

List all of the program keys.

Keys Sync

anchor keys sync

Sync program declare_id! pubkeys with the program's actual pubkey.


anchor migrate

Runs the deploy script located at migrations/deploy.js, injecting a provider configured from the workspace's Anchor.toml. For example,

// File: migrations/deploys.js

const anchor = require('@coral-xyz/anchor')

module.exports = async function (provider) {

  // Add your deploy script here.

Migrations are a new feature and only support this simple deploy script at the moment.


anchor new <program-name>

Creates a new program in the workspace's programs/ directory initialized with boilerplate.


anchor shell

Starts a node js shell with an Anchor client setup according to the local config. This client can be used to interact with deployed Solana programs in the workspace.


anchor test

Run an integration test suit against the configured cluster, deploying new versions of all workspace programs before running them.

If the configured network is a localnet, then automatically starts the localnetwork and runs the test.


Be sure to shutdown any other local validators, otherwise anchor test will fail to run.

If you'd prefer to run the program against your local validator use anchor test --skip-local-validator.

When running tests we stream program logs to .anchor/program-logs/<address>.<program-name>.log


The Anchor workflow recommends to test your program using integration tests in a language other than Rust to make sure that bugs related to syntax misunderstandings are coverable with tests and not just replicated in tests.


anchor upgrade <target/deploy/> --program-id <program-id>

Uses Solana's upgradeable BPF loader to upgrade the on chain program code.


anchor verify <program-id>

Verifies the on-chain bytecode matches the locally compiled artifact.
